Past Gatherings
Check out our past gatherings below, and stay current on upcoming events by requesting to join our email tree or our closed Facebook group. Ottawa Monthly Gatherings are organized by our members for our members - if you have an idea for a gathering, or a talent or resource to share, we would love to hear from you!
OMG events strive to meet the needs of our eclectic group; social, creative, informative and active! Our conversations often centre around how cancer has impacted our stage in life; things like family dynamics, fertility, future plans, altered body image, financial toxicity, and peer relations. Of course, we're more than our cancer so conversations about life in general supersede them all. Our gatherings are usually scheduled the last week of each month.
February - Annual planning session (virtual)
April 28 - Games night at 10Fourteen Restaurant
January - Planning session for 2023 (virtual)
February - Stupid Boobs Trivia Night Fundraiser for 'The Joy Project'
March - An Afternoon of Games (hosted by Amanda)
May - Mini Putt Gardens gathering
June - Chalk Art Event (Beechwood Cemetery) followed by Clocktower Pub gathering
August - Pool party (hosted by Courtney)
September - OMG Picnic at Andrew Haydon Park
November - OMG Holiday Brunch and 6th Annual Sock Exchange & Donation to The Ottawa Hospital
January - Planning session for 2022 (virtual)
February - Outdoor skate gathering at Icelynd Skating Trails
March - Follow-up to January's planning session (virtual)
April - Mud Oven pottery painting
May - Your Career After ... Understanding Your Cancer Foundation Info session led by Life & Career Enthusiast Jennifer McCloskey (virtual)
June - Coffee Meet-Up + Ottawa River Morning Walk
August - OMG Goes Cottaging 2.0, hosted by Vesna
October - Regroup/Planning Session
December - Annual Holiday Gathering and Sock Exchange at Player One Pub
January - Social Night and OMG Planning Meeting (virtual)
February - Pelvic and Sexual Health with Cancer, Beth Hoag, Physiotherapist (virtual)
March - The Storyteller's Retreat with Lindsey Baguio Gerhard, Writer and OMG member (virtual)
April - Virtual Thrivers Cruise
May - Venus Envy Workshop "I'm Coming / Choosing Lube for Menopause" (virtual)
June - Introduction to Art Journaling with H. Fay Wilkinson, Abbey Retreat Centre (virtual)
July - Pottery Painting (in-person and virtual)
August - OMG Goes Cottaging! hosted by Vesna
September - #TogetherForMBC - Sam's Little Free Library Ceremony and gathering at Ashton Brew Pub
December - (two events) Ugly Christmas Sweater Sock Exchange Holiday Bonfire Extravaganza hosted by Shanna, and Brunch at Good Eats Restaurant
January - Misiwe Ni Healing Lodge Winter Hike & Planning Session
February - Rink of Dreams skating event
March - Video chat (virtual)
April - Video chat (virtual)
May - Video chat (virtual)
June - Yoga Nidra (virtual)
July - Christmas in July via Zoom: Card making workshop with Shannon
August - Backyard Catch Up Under the Stars hosted by Vesna
September - Bonfire hosted by Shanna
October - Great Canadian OMG Bonfire Boobyball Bonanza hosted by Christen
October - OMG Spooktacular Chat & 80s Trivia Night (virtual)
December - OMG Sock Drop, drop in/drop off event hosted by Christen. Our 3rd annual Sock donation event for The Ottawa Hospital Chemotherapy Treatment Unit.
January - Venus Envy 'I'm Coming' Workshop
February/March - Social gathering at Belmont Restaurant
March - Yin Yoga & Social Hour at Misiwe Ni Relations Healing Lodge
April - Clothing Swap & Potluck hosted by Melissa
May - Social gathering at Cocoa 70 restaurant
June - Bonfire gathering hosted by Melanie
July - Sunset picnic at Andrew Hayden Park (family & friends invited)
August - Social gathering at Tavern on the Falls
September - Gatineau Park Hike followed by gathering at Chelsea Pub
October - Boobyball 'Into the Ocean' themed gala with pre-party hosted by Christen
November - Annual Holiday Social hosted by Melissa. Potluck and Sock Exchange, collecting 60 pairs of new, unused socks to donate to both Chemotherapy Treatment Units of The Ottawa Hospital.
January - Social gathering at Stella Luna Gelato Cafe
February - Tapping circle with Oksana
March - Gathering of Souls with Pete Bernard, RA Centre (public event)
April - Reiki Therapy Information Session presented by Linda, Maplesoft Centre
May - Nutrition and Cancer Information Session presented by Emily, Maplesoft Centre
June - Social gathering at the Belmont Restaurant
July - Summer Social: Les Brasseurs du Temps, Gatineau
September - OMG Goes Country! hosted by OMG friend Trish
October - Boobyball 'Country' themed gala with Pre-party at Christen's. Pre-party photo documented by Kelly of The Bear & the Butterfly Photography
November - Glass Mosaic Workshop with Meraki Mosaics
December - OMG Holiday Gathering and first annual Sock Exchange benefiting the Ottawa Hospital Chemotherapy Treatment Unit. Party hosted by Patti.
January - Social gathering and Brainstorming session at Green Door Restaurant
February - Social gathering at Pure Gelato Restaurant
March - Traditional Japanese Tea Ceremony with Camilla Teas
April - Lymph Drainage Info session with Laurie, RMT at Nepean Sportsplex RMT Clinic
May - Healing Circle with Pete Bernard, Indigenous Shaman, hosted by Christen
June - Rooftop picnic hosted by Melissa
July - La Machine Finale and dinner at The Mill Restaurant
September - Group walk through Mosaic Canada at Jacques Cartier Park followed by social gathering at Tavern on the Hill
October - Boobyball '80s' themed gala with pre-party hosted by Christen
December - OMG Holiday Gathering with potluck hosted by Patti
January - Social gathering at Green Door Restaurant
February - Social gathering at Joey's Lansdowne Restaurant
March - Paint Nite with Laura Daub
April - Social gathering at Pure Kitchen Restaurant
May - Brainstorming session hosted by Christen
June - Drum Circle at the Old Forge Community Centre, Fundraiser for Christina
July - Social gathering at Stella Luna Gelato Cafe
September - Nature Walk, Pink Lake Gatineau Park
October - Boobyball 'Into the Jungle' theme gala, with pre-party hosted by Christen
December - Holiday Gathering hosted by Melissa. Potluck and Group Art Submission to Lilly Oncology raised $714 for Rethink Breast Cancer. Unused medical supplies were also collected for 'Not Just Tourists' and 'CACHA - Canada Africa Community Health Alliance'
February 1, 2015 - Inaugural OMG gathering hosted by Christen
March - Karma Yoga Class at Kalyana Yoga Shala, fundraiser for Jillian
April - Kelly's Boutique, Mastectomy Apparel Info Night
May - Social gathering at Green Door Restaurant
June - Cooking class with Chef Caroline Ishii of Zen Kitchen, held at OICC
July - Social gathering at Quitter's Cafe
October - Rethink Breast Cancer's Boobyball "Planet Booby" Gala fundraiser, with pre-party hosted by Christen
November - Cokanna Designs Apparel Info Night, held at OICC