
Cancer Bio: Diagnosed in 2012 with Stage 2; living with Metastatic Breast Cancer since 2017 

The Real Me:  I'm a mom to 3 amazing kids as well as a retired RN, and my interests are diverse; photography, animals, nature and a newfound interest in film/cinematography. Since being diagnosed with MBC, I've been involved with many different patient advocacy initiatives to help those of us living with MBC to live longer and better. I'm able to do this additional work with a grateful heart and an active treatment schedule that keeps the cancer (relatively) stable. Follow my experiences on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter; vesna.mbc.thriver.

Something I would tell my newly diagnosed self: Try not to get consumed with having to figure everything out at this.very.moment. Sometimes it's enough to just get through the day. This will help you find moments of peace and calm, even in really trying times. 

One of my favourite quotes includes this - 'and when you feel the tilt is heavy on one side, lean towards grace and this will help you through.' Theses are words that help me get by.